Event Descriptions

Los Vaqueros

2023 Couples Ride

Co-hosted with Los Amigos Camp

Thursday, October 5th – Sunday, October 8th

Janeway Ranch, Santa Ynez

All Camps are invited to attend!

Click to view descriptions

Los Vaqueros Bocce King and Queen of the Court Challenge

Bocce Masters– Signore Mike & Signora Cass Antle

Entry Fee– $25.00/team. $5.00 per team held back for cash prize

Rules– Generally International Bocce rules apply. Bocce Master has the last word on all disputes. The first team to achieve 4 points wins and stays on the court as King and Queen until they are defeated by a challenging team. Sign-ups will be taken throughout the evening and the contest ends at 10:00pm when all teams have played the King and Queen. At the end of the last game, whichever team is King, and Queen will receive the cash pot-winners take all.

Good Luck!

Rodeo Camp Cut and Rope

The Arena Master : Jesse Aguilar

Entry: 3 for $120.00 ropers/ 3 for $120.00 cutters

Description: Cut and rope is a 4 person draw consisting of 2 ropers and 2 cutters. The clock starts when the cutters cross the line and are given their number. The cutters then enter the herd and cut their assigned cow away from the herd without the cow crossing back over the line towards the herd. The ropers then head and heel the cow to stop the clock. 5 second penalty is added for a single leg catch. 4 loops are permitted.

Los Vaqueros Corn Hole Tournament

Corn Hole Master: Juan Aguilar

Entry: $25/team

Description: This event is a normal bracketed tournament and International Corn Hole rules apply. Corn Hole Master has the final word. Games will be played on the lawn below the Ranch House. The first team to score 11 points advances.

Los Vaqueros Trail Class

Trail Class Masters: Ricky and Robin

Entry Fee: $30/participant

Description: The format of this class will now be a Gamblers Choice. There will be 10 obstacles, each worth points assigned for degree of difficulty. Each horse / rider team has two minutes to accrue as many points as they can. Each obstacle may be performed twice, but not in a row. Knocking down, falling off or failure to complete the obstacle results in no points. This is a judged event where the highest score wins. The horse/rider team that most resembles a real-life working ranch horse pair with position and control will have an advantage. This class contains course obstacles that are designed to show the horse’s willingness, confidence, and ability to perform several tasks that might be asked of him in a normal day’s ranch work. Poor horsemanship will result in a zero score.

Los Amigos Branding

Branding Boss: Mitch Williams

Entry Fee: $40 per go: roper or ground crew

Description: This is a drawn timed event consisting of 2 ropers and 2 ground crew. 2 head of cattle will be added to the arena. The ropers will head and heel one cow. Ground crew will then set the ropes. The branding iron cannot leave the bucket (fire) until the cow is stretched. Time ends when the branding iron is returned to the bucket.

Los Vaqueros Cut and Sort

Sorting Master: Chris Eaton

Entry Fees: 3 for $120.00

Description: This is a drawn event consisting of 3 team members. There are 7 head of numbered cattle in the arena. As the team enters the arena, the master will call a starting number to be sorted out of the arena. All the rest of the herd will be taken out of the arena in numerical order. The team sorting out all 7 cows in order with the lowest time wins.